Cub Scout Pack 696

Cub Scout Pack 696

Monday, September 24, 2012


Hi new Scout Parents!!

My name is Jennifer and I'm the PR chair for Cub Scout Pack 696. My son Ian is a third grade Bear Scout. I am a fourth-grade teacher at Calder Road Elementary and am the "go-to-gal" for all types of Scouting information. This email is just to introduce myself and let you know a few things:

A Cub Scout pack consists of 5 dens separated by grade level. If you have a 1st grader, they are a new Tiger Scout. Second graders are Wolf Scouts, third graders are Bear Scouts, and fourth graders are Webelos I Scouts.Our pack has a current enrollment of 46 scouts and is part of the Bay Area Council of Boy Scouts of America. Their website is a wealth of information for new Scouts and parents. Please take a moment to visit their site at when you can. Our pack also has a blog, which we are in the process of updating. I'll have that address for you tomorrow night. 

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our first Pack meeting of the new year. This is a monthly meeting where all five scout dens meet and hand out monthly awards. We will also be welcoming you to the pack. Please come tomorrow night if you can. If you don't have a uniform for your new Scout, don't worry. Just come as you are. Each Tuesday we meet at Dickinson First United Methodist Church, which is the big church on 517 near Wendy's. Please enter the church from the back side. 

We are trying to wrap up our recruitment for the year. If you have not paid your Scout's registration fee for this calendar year, the prorated rate is $6.25. If you can, please try to pay tomorrow night. Our council is in the running for top recruitment in the nation, and we would like to help by sending in our outstanding applications this week. You can pay by check or cash. Most of you paid at recruitment night--if you aren't sure if you have paid already, please see one of the pack leaders tomorrow night and we can check for you.

We have several events coming up, and there will be a printed parent update available for you tomorrow night. Please stop by to see me and get a calendar of events for the upcoming year. I'll be the one with a pen and pile of paper permanently attached to my hand. :)

Our popcorn fundraiser is in full swing and is one way you can help the pack. Throughout the year, we have many events requiring supplies, patches, and fees, and by selling popcorn, you can raise money to cover your pack dues. These dues are around $80 for an entire calendar year--which is CHEAP for all the awards, crafts, skills, fellowship and fun you can stand! Our Popcorn Kernals, Katherine and Courtney, will be available tomorrow night to give you the skinny on this fundraiser. Please see them to get an order form so you can start selling immediately. If you choose, you can opt out of the fundraiser and pay your pack dues out-of-pocket, but most scouts choose to sell popcorn to cover this expense. It's fun and very easy.

Scouting is a wonderful program for your boy and we are delighted to have you joining our pack. Hope to see you tomorrow! Please feel free to email me back with any questions.

Jennifer Donovan
Public Relations Chair
Cub Scout Pack 696, Dickinson, TX
(409) 789-1722

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